Sunday, August 31, 2008

ibc + anak yatim + ilmiah fest...

Happi merdeka day..!!!
bangge nyec jd org msia..!!!
meh nina cte current activities i joined....
1. IBC
2. anak yatim
3. ilmiah fest

besh a gak join program bebyk...

program ibc tu nadz joined dis time.. so, nina sgt2 la excited.. huhu.. i got ma hunny 4 3 days.. cool gler... huhuhu... dis time nye perjumpaan nk pk psl prgram bln 12 kang.. so sume org brainstorm cm org gilak utk 3 ari tu... we slept less than 4 hours a day...! so la exhausted.. tp ble wat keje byk2 cam besh a... rase pnat pon ilang... huhuhu... 1st nite ktorg smpi, ktorg smpi lmbt.. so, dinner da tade... haih.,.. pas meeting da kul 12 lebey... so, ktorg kua a carik mkn.. all 9 of us-nina, nadz, mira, diana, haziq, aizat, maran, azri and afif... cam cool a gak.. x pnah2 mkn ngan dorg semeja... lepak bout 1 hr... besh a... kat sane i met sumone.. *wink*.. missin dat person.. tp dpt jumpe.. cam besh a gak.. *blush*.... mase ari last, group nina kn wat performance... ktorg men puppet show... haha... cam dak2 je.. tp we had a great time la... nina n nadz 1 group... ngan dak2 U len-niza, nad, hizami, rosmah, wani, err n the rest.. hehe... besh a gak.. dlm play tu, nina n nadz jd two of the main characters... tu pon kes x sngaje.. igt an play memen, skali kn perform dpn org ramai.. da a dpn dak2 U len, dpn vip... cess... malu nye...!!! nina jd kucing, nadz jd tikus... hahaha... besh tol..

wif niza the butterfly...

nina the cat wif nad the 'aisyah'

nadz the tikus... *wink*

on 290808, ppi n prs collaborated wif pekaya wat activity utk ank2 yatim kat pekan... ktorg g less than 15 ppl... the students dtg dlm 150 laa... huhu... it was a 1 day programme... pnat a gak.. mcm a ktorg wat.. ldk, talk, games... the most important thing, dak2 tu phm pe tujuan ktorg dtg.. hopefully dorg phm a pe ktorg aja.. huhu.. aifaa sgt2 sporting... siap aja wat banana shake.. sgt2 besh la aifaa.. i like you la..! huhuu.. my batch yg g cume 6 org-bha, nina, nadz, obie, haziq n aifaa.. huhu... yg len dak junior.. hehehe....


poyo ness....

300808 lak ade prgram ilmiah fest.. kat ilmiah la of coz.. huhu.. nadz jd ktua aras, so die sgt2 la bizi... huhu.. nadz kn wat backdrop... nina jd ajk nadz.. so kn a wat backdrop... pg tu ktorg patot trn kul 9, tp bgn lmbt... pnat smlm x bes agi.. bgn2 kn g kdai.. patu kn wat backdrop.. kul 3.30 br siap.. pas solat, tdo.. kn kumpul balek kul 5, bgn2 tdo kul 6.30 da.. huhu.. lmbt agik.. hehe.. sebek backdrop da siap.. hehehhe... theme kali ni back to school memories.. so, kalo wat comot2 pon tape.. name pon dak skola kn?? hehehe... pas maghrib td wat keje lyn org smpi kul 12... fuuh... bole thn a... besh a gak mlm ni..

ilmiah committee

nice ak???

wif our hasil kerja X)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

finding the one~

why Allah created gaps between fingers??
so that someday THE ONE who is made for you
will come and fill those gaps by holding your hands forever...
Love is not blind
it sees more and not less
but because it sees more
it is willing to see less
Love is about taking chances (260808-18:01)

Friday, August 15, 2008

missin ma home..

ble smpi msia.. ble smpi uniten.. ble byk keje kn wat.. ble byk esemen kn submit... br la trase saket bdn, saket pale, sume mende laa saket... btol la kate org, no pain no gain.. sumhow, sumtimes i missed ma real home... its really far away... how i wish i can stay there forever... tmpt tu sgt2 la special... pe yg u nk, u'll get it on the spot.. cash..! jus terlintas kat ati n Allah will grant it for u... sape tanak dok tmpt cmtu tol ak?? its like heaven on earth... byg kn la kalo dlm syurga cane..? hui... musti la blipat2 kali ganda nikmat... u'll only feel, u'll only know when u get there... i prayed for everyone i know to go there n have the chance that i had... i really really really missed everything kat sane... the mosques.. the deserts... the cute camels.. haih... kalo la de org arab nk kat saye, hai la.. kalo dpt dok sane.. mmg la sgt besh...

1 story nk kongsi... aritu da nk dkat balek.. 1 day b4 nk balek msia... br pas tahallul... kbtulan nk zohor da.. agi stngah jam je.. mak kate sok je la kat masjid.. iktikaf.. dpt pahala... da alang2 nk zohor.. so, dok la diam2 smbil ilangkn penat... ble duduk je tetibe perut rase lapar.. sgt2 lapar smpi pedih sgt... nk nanges thn saket... dlm ati, terdetik la 'Ya Allah, laparnye'... juz 1 sentence je... out of sudden.. tetibe de org arab ni ngan agih2 kn biskut n cheese... sume dpt... dpt mkn wat alas perut, alhamdulilah saket ilang... kat cni, nk share, cane kuase tuhan tu nk bg rezeki kat hamba Nya... Kun Faya Kun... x smpi 5 saat pon pas terdetik, tetibe org arab tu dtg kat dpn mata... Masya Allah... mmg nikmat... Allah je tau cane rase time tu... heaven sgt... kalo de rezeki, mmg nk g sane.. kalo bole tanak balek2... beshnye la... missin home....

it looks so simple, tp nikmat sgt ble dpt mkn.....

made me smile X)

(140808) de paper corporate finance kul 8.30pm... da la klas pack gler... 8am-10am finance, 2pm-4pm management accounting, 4pm-7pm islamic studies... kul 8.30pm exam.. hui... x stress laa... sgt suke klau pack cani... pas bes klas finance g mkn... da la ari pnuh ngan stress.. muke ketat je.. kalo ikot an ati, nk selotape je kat bibir mulut bia nmpk senyum tu ikhlas sket... hai la... what a day.. da la nk tghari.. sgt mengantuk la... angah n fara de keje nk wat.. x dpt branch skali ngan nina n nadz.. ktorg g a mkn kat highway... kdai feveret, kdai cik su... tgh2 mkn, tetibe nmpk ustaz comel *sir khairul nizam*... so senyum je la.. last year sir ade ajar nina malaysian studies n islamic studies... ustaz ni sgt la comel... hui... sgguh besh la msuk klas die... ciptaan tuhan yg cantek, sape x ske tgk, tol ak?? hehe... back to the story, ustaz tu bli lauk bungkus.. so, ktorg ni smbung la mkn cam bese... tetibe cik su dtg kat meje ktorg.. igt an nk kire cam bese.. so, ktorg x mek port la pe akak tu ckp... angguk2 je la... ble g kaunter nk byr, rupe2nye ustaz comel tu blanje nina n nadz... heaven gler.. mmg rezeki la... it made us smile.. i mean, really smile... 4get bout the exam mlm nnti... tu pon da ckp la.. hahaha... besh tol.. tetibe smangat nk g klas management accounting ptg tu... hui.. smangat2.. besh... what a lovely day i had...

see our happy faces... thn smpi klas islamic X)

stress free :D

Monday, August 11, 2008

Financial Statement of Life

Your birth is your OPENING STOCK,
What comes in you DEBIT,
What goes out you CREDIT,
Your ideas are your ASSETS,
Your views are your LIABILITIES,
Your happiness is your PROFIT,
Your sorrow is your LOSS,
Your soul is your GOODWILL,
Your heart is your FIXED ASSET,
Your duties are your OUTSTANDING EXPENSES,
Your friendship is your Hidden ADJUSTMENT,
Your character is your CAPITAL,
Your knowledge is your INVESTMENT,
Your patience is your INTEREST,
Your mind is your BANK-BALANCE,
Your bad thinking should always be DEPRECIATED,
Your behaviour is your JOURNAL ENTRY,
Your spouse is your JOINT-VENTURE,
Your life is your PARTNER,
Your child is your ADMISSION OF PARTNER,
Your death is your CLOSING STOCK.
thanx to sir taufiq~

Sunday, August 10, 2008

nina n her biziness.....!!

maken ari maken bizi... td br bes mits ngan org2 iim... pas bes mits mmg sgt2 pnat.. my brain hurts... manyak sgt pikir kot... There is one saying "The brain is like a muscle. When we think well, we feel good. Understanding is a kind of ecstasy".... do i feel good..? hurm.. a bit la.. its a good thing kn?? but do i understand..? err.. no komen.. hehehe...! skang ni asek bizi jek... time nk beskn utk mmbe2 pon tade... diri sendiri..?? huh.. agi a... i need to get a lyfe.... hai la... ive to think positive... see the world through rose-tinted glasses... jgn nk merungut je... bad habit.. kn ubah... next sem's resolution la ubah dis 'merungut2' thingy... skang ni tdoq mmg la x ckp... mate bengkak da... pain.. but no pain no gain kn?? have to study agi... kames ni de midterm corporate finance... hopefully nina can get 100% insya Allah.. tryin to be positive person every second.. m tryin ma besh to control my emo issues... have to learn to relax n dun be so la mcm mr bean everytime de probs....

mase 1st time gi meeting iim, aizat dan bin anuar was elected as the vice pres and jd project manager utk event besar nnti... aizat kept sayin 'why me? why me? why me?'... everytime die ty, nina pon jwb la, its ur turning point... live with it... work on it... tu je la... td ngah tekan2 laptop, tetibe terbace 1 quote ni;
Some people see things as they are and say "Why."
I dream things that never were and say
"Why not."
so aizat, be positive... u got the rest of us.. we got ur back.. dun wori too much.. if u wanna scream, we'll scream wif u.. if u wana cry, we'll cry with you.. if u wanna laugh, we'll laugh with you... be the best leader you can be.. just remember, once a leader, always a leader.... don't give up...if you cant do what you love, try to love what you do...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

hapi 2oth!

020808- arini bday ma hunny...!! hapi celebrating 20th year of your life, nadzirah ramdzam...!! luv u 4eva...!

كل عام و أنت بخير
生日快樂 (sàangyaht faailohk)
Halala ngosuku lokuzalwa

dear nadz,
happi birthday...!
may Allah bless you in every way..
luv u till the end..
besh of luck..
thanx for everyting..
glad to have you as my fren..
dream till you touches the sky...!
do not loose hope..
i'll always be with you..