Saturday, July 25, 2009

too much emotions involved~

i went to kl yesterday..
since housemates weren't there with me, i've to go home alone..
mmg lonely..
then, kak ju said kerol pon nk grak noon..
so, a strong hunch said i've to convoy with kerol..
and it was right..!
my car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
luckily kerol was there to help..
i called AAM for help and we waited for about 1 hour++ before the tow truck arrived..
sian kerol..
i'm so sorry ive to trouble you!!
thanks a lot for helping me yesterday!!
hafiz came all the way from muadzam just to check on us..
thanks dude..!
my car was towed to bahau..
the mechanic guy can't be so sure when the car will be fixed..
finally i arrived home at 8pm..
7 hours journey from muadzam-kl yesterday..
it was really tiring..!
alhamdulilah everything is ok now..

JaDE kn tarik.. isk2..

enough with the bad story..!
i got great news!!!!!
i got a call from pheobe bdo binder yesterday just before the accident..
i got in!!
praise to Allah..~
thank you soo much for helping~
thanks to hafeez izmal jamal hisne for helping me out with the interview questions..
thanks a lot man!

just got the letter today 250709

happily infinity~
true, Allah took something away from me to give me something even better..


Cik Bee said...

wah best nye....
da dapat tmpt praktikal

.h.o.p.e. said...

mek.. kate nk pi deloitte..
kabel awk kn kuat..
pe agi, gune laa sebeknye!